The Geometry Dash community have questioned what the song is for KOCMOC by Cherry Team, an upcoming top 1 extreme demon.
So the question is: what is the song for KOCMOC and where can you listen to it?
The song for KOCMOC is Kosmos by Axius Link from the album Endless Losses. The song was published in 2016 on Spotify and is part of an album with eight other songs.
English translations may be faulty.

KOCMOC by Cherry Team. Screenshot from Neiro.
Where To Listen To KOCMOC's Song
You can listen to Kosmos by Axius Link (Космос) and the album Endless Losses (Беcкоnечnые Потеpи) on Spotify.
KOCMOC is a Slaughterhouse remake and upcoming hardest level ever made. It is set to place top 1 on the Geometry Dash Demon List.
With all this in mind, it is clear why KOCMOC stunned the community.