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Dashword Style Guide

In order to ensure that we only publish quality content for our readers, we have a style guide so that all of our content is consistent and easy to read.

The following outlines the writing style we use on Dashword and a template you should use when writing articles.

Style Guide

Keep paragraphs short, roughly 1-4 sentences long.


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After becoming a well respected community member for his stunning documentaries, after posting 3 controversial videos in a row, he has almost destroyed his once-stunning reputation.

Geometry Dash players are claiming that in his controversial videos, he is harassing new creators and penalizing them for their past mistakes.


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After becoming a well respected community member for his stunning documentaries, after posting 3 controversial videos in a row, he has almost destroyed his once-stunning reputation. Geometry Dash players are claiming that in his controversial videos, he is harassing new creators and penalizing them for their past mistakes.

Use the first person pronoun "we" in your article unless something is strictly your opinion.


Fortunately, we've made a live countdown for the event.

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Fortunately, I've made a live countdown for the event.

Use straight quotes, not curly quotes.


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Don't use "curly" quotes.


Don’t use “curly” quotes.

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Express numbers as words when they are not statistics and are between 0-9.


Three months ago...


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3 months ago...

Excluding in article titles, do not use ampersands.


Make a level and upload it.

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Make a level & upload it.

Use the serial comma before the last item in a list.


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Make a level, verify it, and upload it.


Make a level, verify it and upload it.

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Use lists when listing items.


To get popular, you want to:

  • Make a level
  • Verify it
  • Upload it


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To get popular, you want to make a level, verify it, and upload it.

Don't use periods at the end of list items unless it is multiple sentences long.


To get popular, you want to:

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  • Make a level
  • Verify it
  • Upload it


To get popular, you want to:

  • Make a level.
  • Verify it.
  • Upload it.

Avoid putting questions in headings.


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The hardest level in Geometry Dash

The hardest level in Geometry Dash is Acheron.


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What is the hardest level in Geometry Dash?

The hardest level in Geometry Dash is Acheron.

Article Template

Copy and paste the following article template into your text editor of choice (preferably a markdown editor).

Article continues after ad
title: "(Choose a title idea with lots of keywords)"
desc: "(Write a 1-2 sentence article description using lots of keywords)"
image: (Link to an image)
imageSource: (Link to the image source)
date: 2022-10-02
    - "2.2"
    - "featured"
author: (your author key, if you have one)

(Give a quick introduction to the topic and use lots of keywords. This should be 2-3 paragraphs)

(If there are lots of article sections, include a table of contents)

# (Article sections, separated using headings)

(Explain what you need to explain, using lots of lists and keywords)


(Quick 1-2 paragraph summary)

(Link to related content on Dashword)

Most fields such as the title and description will be written by a Dashword editor. If you want to include a table of contents, indicate where in your article (after the introduction is most recommended). Other details such as links will be sprinkled in by Dashword editors but you can include any you feel are necessary.