Ultimate Destruction is the unfinished beta level of Geometry Jump. Eventually, it would be replaced with Base After Base and the game's name changed to Geometry Dash. However, for some reason, I find Ultimate Destruction to have a sort of charm that other 1.0 levels don't have.
Compared to the seven levels RobTop made for update 1.0, this one is a lot more detailed, specifically making use of the pulsing objects available. While I see why RobTop chose to cut back on the details, I wanted to make a level inspired by the style seen in Geometry Jump. In doing so, I also had a lot of fun!
Before continuing with this article, I recommend giving the level I made (titled The Seventh Day) a watch. Here is a video:
Geometry Jump
As I said, Ultimate Destruction from Geometry Jump has a lot more details, which include the additional pulsing objects, additional use of chains, and more unique structuring.

Geometry Dash
Geometry Dash has much less use of pulsing objects, only using them in very specific scenarios. The same applies to chains. However, it is undeniable that the first seven levels of the game have very basic structuring. While Time Machine would go on to add some more interesting structures, the first seven levels stay very basic.

It is hard to show the differences with just photos, so I recommend checking out Ultimate Destruction and then playing the first seven main levels.
My Geometry Jump Remake
I tried to stay true to RobTop's style while also not limiting myself, which was a very fun challenge. Ultimately, the result was The Seventh Day.
I went with The 7th Day by TM43, the artist behind Ultimate Destruction. The reasoning behind this should be self-explanatory.
I tried to stay true to Ultimate Destruction by using a similar formula.
- The level starts with a cube section on the floor.
- Afterwards, there is a higher cube section where the floor is covered with spikes. It uses similar structures to Base After Base and Ultimate Destruction.
- After, the level stays near the floor again.
- From here until the black part the level stays near the floor and above the floor periodically to the rhythm of the music.
- The level enters the black part, similar to that of Ultimate Destruction and other 1.0 levels.
- Next is a ship section, similar to that of Ultimate Destruction. Near the end of it, there is a coin hidden like that of Stereo Madness.
- Next is a final section starting higher up but then moves to the floor to end the level.
Aside from other miniscule creative decisions such as how I introduced pads and orbs, that is the basic rundown of the level.
I included a lot of pulsing objects. Geometry Dash is a music game, so having objects that pulse to the music seemed fitting. I didn't use the chains too much, just in places where most would expect.
I tried to fill in a lot more space with the structures, which is most evident in the first half of the level. While the structures are not super unique design-wise, I think how I used them to fill in space is enough to suffice. I notice that Ultimate Destruction did something very similar, which I like.

While Geometry Jump and early versions of Geometry Dash had no coins, I thought I'd include some in this level. I recommend giving the level a try and attempting to find them yourself, but if you need some pointers:
- The first coin is similar to the first coin in Base After Base, being hidden after a structure that you need to go through.
- The second coin is similar to the second coin in Base After Base. You have to fall somewhere in the black part, which leads to a secret path where you can collect the coin.
- The third coin is similar to the third coin of Stereo Madness, which I always liked. There is a hidden ship portal in the ship part that when entered, leads to a secret path where you can collect the coin.
Why You Should Make A Geometry Jump Level
Unlike remaking one of the first seven main levels, I found remaking Ultimate Destruction to be a different experience. You really have a lot more freedom with structuring and gameplay.
Ultimate Destruction is an intense level. This is unlike most of the official 1.0 levels, which have lots of breathing room. That is by no means bad, but making a level that really tests the player's sight readability and reaction time like Ultimate Destruction is a new way to build a 1.0 level.
Overall, I had a lot of fun building The Seventh Day, and I highly encourage others to make a level using the style of Geometry Jump as well. It is a unique experience that building any other style doesn't really give, even the basic 1.0 style.
It's a shame that Ultimate Destruction was lost, but the community has made many remakes, a lot of which include fan-made extensions. While I believe the first seven main levels are much more beginner friendly, as they should be, Ultimate Destruction has a charm unlike any other official level.