Geometry Dash creator Split72 has surpassed YunHaSeu14 in creator points and became the new top creator in Geometry Dash. This is after approximately two years of YunHaSeu14 holding the spot. This also makes Split72 the first creator to take the top spot on the creators leaderboard in update 2.2.
The top creator in Geometry Dash is determined by who has the most creator points. Creators get 1-5 creator points per level of theirs that gets rated.
However, some creators game the system by not making very high effort levels in order to release more levels faster.
This is why there is some controversy surrounding Split72 taking the top spot. Some players argue that there are better creators who deserve the spot but who can't release levels fast enough.
Comparison to the stars leaderboard
There is a similar issue with the top spot on the stars leaderboard. Most would not call MrSpaghetti the best Geometry Dash player, just the fastest star grinder.
But while top players have unofficial leaderboards like the Pointercrate stats viewer, there is no leaderboard that tracks the best creators.
And perhaps that is best. It is really difficult to objectively rank the quality of levels because everyone has different preferences.
Either way, huge congratulations goes towards Split72 for grinding his way to the top of the Geometry Dash creators leaderboard.